Dirshu Kinnus Olam HaTorah

A Global Call to Limud HaTorah

%%Thousands of Yidden gather for the Dirshu Kinnus Olam HaTorah,%% a historic celebration of Limud HaTorah.


Dirshu, a global organization dedicated to elevating Limud HaTorah among talmidei chachamim, ba’alei batim, and bochurim, approached BLMG with a mission: to inspire thousands of Yidden to join the Amud HaYomi and Daf HaYomi B’Halacha programs. The moment was particularly significant, as both daily limud programs covered Hilchos Shabbos—Masechta Shabbos and Mishnah Berurah, Chelek Gimmel. The event needed to celebrate Torah learning while also addressing the pressing challenges facing the Jewish community, offering inspiration and direction during a difficult time for Klal Yisrael.


To achieve this vision, BLMG developed a comprehensive campaign to promote the Dirshu Kinnus Olam HaTorah, held at the renowned Prudential Center on June 9, 2024. The event’s timing, coinciding with שלשת ימי הגבלה, further amplified its significance. Our multi-channel marketing strategy utilized print, digital, and video-based promotions to maximize reach. At the heart of the campaign was a compelling montage featuring event speakers and program highlights, which became the defining identity of the event across all platforms.

The event itself was a masterfully curated experience, featuring powerful addresses from Gedolei Yisrael and soul-stirring niggunim performed by renowned artists. The messaging centered on the urgent need to strengthen Limud Hilchos Shabbos in response to the challenges facing Klal Yisrael, reinforcing the critical importance of participation.

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The Dirshu Kinnus Olam HaTorah was a monumental success. Nearly 15,000 attendees filled the Prudential Center, with tens of thousands more impacted worldwide. Most notably, over ten thousand new participants joined the Amud HaYomi and Daf HaYomi B’Halacha programs, inspired by the event’s powerful messaging. The gathering strengthened a collective sense of pride and responsibility among attendees, deepening their connection to the global Torah community. Widespread publicity further elevated Dirshu’s brand, drawing more people into its programs. Ultimately, the campaign achieved its goal: fostering an increase in Limud HaTorah and Kavod Shamayim—the highest aspiration of all.

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